The Ohio Valley Youth Network is proud to announce its partnership with the Jefferson County Family Recovery Center for the OVYN Online Speaker Series!
The OVYN Online Speaker Series will be four one-hour virtual, interactive sessions on Zoom and Facebook Live for promoting awareness of public health and opioid addiction in the Ohio Valley. These sessions will focus on a variety of topics such as opioid addiction resources, how to stop addiction before it starts, and how mental illness impacts the severity of addiction. Each session will be on different days but will always begin at 7 p.m. and end close to 8 p.m., or whenever our speakers decide to stop taking questions and interacting with viewers.
Each Zoom call has a unique link and meeting ID, which will be posted on the Events tab of this website, the Events tab of our Sycamore Youth Center website ( and the Sycamore Youth Center Facebook page in a timely manner before the events begin.
The first session, "The Role of Mental Illness in Addiction" conducted by Becca Schaming, Robin Leasure, and Mary Kushner, is on July 30th, 2020 (tomorrow!), and will begin at 7 p.m. The session will be on Facebook Live at Bobbyjon Bauman's Facebook page ( as well as on Zoom. The link to the Zoom call is as follows: with meeting ID: 754 4698 5760.
There is more information not specified here on the image below, such as specific topics and the speakers who will be conducting the meetings, so we encourage you to take a look and find what you are most interested in. Whether it's just one session or all four, we look forward to your attendance and wish you a safe and happy ascent into the month of August!